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The NDM Centre for Global Health Research's groups are based on two sites in Oxford: New Richards Building and Peter Medawar Building

New Richards Building: Administration, TGHN, IDDO/WWARN, MQRG, Driadd, Microbe, GRAM

Our address: NDM Centre for Global Health Research, New Richards Building, Old Road Campus, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford, OX3 7LG.

New Richards Building is number 3 on the Old Road Campus map (opens on the NDMRB website).

How to find the New Richards Building

Please follow directions posted on the CTMGH website

Peter MEdawar Building: MSc Administration, HSC, Tropical Immunology

Our address: NDM Centre for Global Health Research, Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research (PMB), South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3SY, UK. How to find the Medawar Building (opens on the Medawar website)

For general enquiries please call  +44(0)1865 281656 or Christelle Kervella-Jones (MSC Senior Course Administrator) +44(0)1865 281651