Oxford podcasts & Apple Podcasts
The University IT services maintain lists of podcasts on the University podcast pages and iTunesU.
First your podcast will need to be uploaded onto MediaPub. The University Podcast Team can create an account in MediaPub for you.
In MediaPub you will be able to:
- Create a podcast series: include name, description, album cover and web link(s)
- Create a new episode in an existing series: episodes include a title, short description, long description, keywords, contributors, category, recording date and notes.
If an episode needs to appear in several series, it needs to be added separately to all series.
Notes: There is no option to 'log in' or 'edit' your video directly on the University podcast pages.
How to upload a podcast onto MediaPub
Media files (audio or video) are added onto MediaPub as URLs.
- Upload the media file to MediaPub using 'submit media file' in the top right. The podcast team will then provide you with links via email to where the file is hosted on their server; this is the URL you need when adding the episode onto MediaPub.
- Create new episode within a series in MediaPub, adding titles and descriptions.
- Email the consent form, (downloadable from the University photography and GDPR toolkit) to the University Podcast Team and confirm that the episode is ready for publishing.
- The episode will display a red cross next to it until the podcast team have checked it, at which point it will display a green tick