What is Community Engagement and Involvement (CEI)?
Community engagement and involvement is a process that involves stakeholders and communities likely to be affected and/or beneficial by research process and outcomes.
Engaging these communities will help researchers to ensure that their work is relevant, valuable, and culturally sensitive. This process not only enhances the research but also empowers community members to express their needs and perspectives.
Why Does Community Engagement Matter?
It’s ethical: CEI ensures appropriate methods of engagement and informed consent are used in research. When done well, CEI can enhance the protection of research participants and reduce the risk of stigmatisation.
It helps improving research implementation: By involving community members and stakeholders, researchers can gain insights into their views and concerns about specific projects. This dialogue helps address fears and misconceptions, ensuring that research activities are acceptable and feasible for the community.
It enhances research relevance: Involving communities in the research process helps tailor the research to their needs, increasing its relevance and impact.
Learn More with MESH’s Free Course
To further understand the importance and potential of community engagement and involvement in research, MESH—a community engagement knowledge and professional support hub by The Global Health Network—offers a free course. This course provides valuable insights into the core values and best practices of CEI.
Visit OUCRU Community Engagement and Involvement course page
Explore more about OUCRU’s community engagement and involvement commitment and outputs here.