Recent publications by Researchers affiliated with the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health
Equitable access to pandemic products demands stronger public governance.
Strobeyko A. et al, (2024), Lancet (London, England)
Stoking fears of AI X-Risk (while forgetting justice here and now).
Jecker NS. et al, (2024), Journal of medical ethics
Authors meet critics: What is a person? Untapped insights from Africa.
Jecker NS. and Atuire CA., (2024), Journal of medical ethics
Decolonising global health: why the new Pandemic Agreement should have included the principle of subsidiarity.
de Campos-Rudinsky TC. et al, (2024), The Lancet. Global health
Bioethics' Duty to Conference in Qatar: Reply to Magnus.
Jecker NS. et al, (2024), The American journal of bioethics : AJOB, 24, 4 - 7
Digital tools for youth health promotion: principles, policies and practices in sub-Saharan Africa.
Ferretti A. et al, (2024), Health promotion international, 39
Research ethics and artificial intelligence for global health: perspectives from the global forum on bioethics in research.
Shaw J. et al, (2024), BMC medical ethics, 25
The Ethics of International Bioethics Conferencing: Continuing the Conversation.
Jecker NS. et al, (2024), The American journal of bioethics : AJOB, 24, W1 - W7
Personhood Beyond the West
Jecker NS. and Atuire CA., (2024), The American Journal of Bioethics, 24, 59 - 62
Personhood: An emergent view from Africa and the West
Jecker NS. and Atuire CA., (2024), Developing World Bioethics
Preparing ethical review systems for emergencies: next steps.
Wright K. et al, (2023), BMC medical ethics, 24
A just transition for antimicrobial resistance: planning for an equitable and sustainable future with antimicrobial resistance
Varadan SR. et al, (2023), The Lancet
Proposed Principles for International Bioethics Conferencing: Anti-Discriminatory, Global, and Inclusive.
Jecker NS. et al, (2023), The American journal of bioethics : AJOB, 1 - 16
The importance of getting the ethics right in a pandemic treaty
Schaefer GO. et al, (2023), The Lancet Infectious Diseases
Some barriers to knowledge from the global south: commentary to Pratt and de Vries.
Atuire CA., (2023), J Med Ethics
Rethinking solidarity towards equity in global health: African views.
Atuire CA. and Hassoun N., (2023), International journal for equity in health, 22
Managing local heritage in low-and middle-income countries through small accommodation firms: the case of Ghana
Baiocco S. et al, (2023), Capitale Culturale, 2023, 151 - 179