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Recent publications by Researchers affiliated with the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health

Exploiting genomics for antimicrobial resistance surveillance at One Health interfaces

Muloi DM. et al, (2023), The Lancet Microbe, 4, e1056 - e1062

Genomics for public health and international surveillance of antimicrobial resistance

Baker KS. et al, (2023), The Lancet Microbe, 4, e1047 - e1055

Innovations in genomic antimicrobial resistance surveillance

Wheeler NE. et al, (2023), The Lancet Microbe, 4, e1063 - e1070

Is this pill an antibiotic or a painkiller? Improving the identification of oral antibiotics for better use.

Monnier AA. et al, (2023), The Lancet. Global health, 11, e1308 - e1313

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