Recent publications by Researchers affiliated with the Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health
Acceptance and User Experiences of a Wearable Device for the Management of Hospitalized Patients in COVID-19–Designated Wards in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Action Learning Project
Luu AP. et al, (2024), JMIR Human Factors, 11, e44619 - e44619
Hospital care for critical illness in low-resource settings: lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic
English M. et al, (2023), BMJ Global Health, 8, e013407 - e013407
Policies and resources for strengthening of emergency and critical care services in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya
Oliwa JN. et al, (2023), PLOS Global Public Health, 3, e0000483 - e0000483
COVID-19 and unintended steps towards further equity in global health research
Willows TM. et al, (2023), BMJ Global Health, 8, e011888 - e011888
Reflections on the Implementation of Wearable Vital Signs Monitors in a Vietnamese ICU
McKnight J. et al, (2023)
Protocol for the Pathways Study: a realist evaluation of staff social ties and communication in the delivery of neonatal care in Kenya
Wanyama C. et al, (2023), BMJ Open, 13, e066150 - e066150
Same label, different patients: Health-workers’ understanding of the label ‘critical illness’
Mkumbo E. et al, (2023), Frontiers in Health Services, 3
Measuring patient engagement with HIV care in sub‐Saharan Africa: a scoping study
Keene CM. et al, (2022), Journal of the International AIDS Society, 25
Improving facility-based care: eliciting tacit knowledge to advance intervention design
English M. et al, (2022), BMJ Global Health, 7, e009410 - e009410
The social networks of hospital staff: A realist synthesis
Blacklock C. et al, (2022), Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 27, 242 - 252
Reporting of diagnostic and laboratory tests by general hospitals as an indication of access to diagnostic laboratory services in Kenya
Bahati F. et al, (2022), PLOS ONE, 17, e0266667 - e0266667
The problem with 'My Five Moments for Hand Hygiene'.
Gould D. et al, (2022), BMJ quality & safety, 31, 322 - 326
Digital Health Policy and Programs for Hospital Care in Vietnam: Scoping Review
Tran DM. et al, (2022), Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24, e32392 - e32392
Digital Health Policy and Programs for Hospital Care in Vietnam: Scoping Review (Preprint)
Tran DM. et al, (2021)
Information asymmetry in the Kenyan medical laboratory sector.
Bahati F. et al, (2021), Global health action, 14
Qualitative interview study exploring frontline managers' contributions to hand hygiene standards and audit: Local knowledge can inform practice.
Gould DJ. et al, (2020), American journal of infection control, 48, 480 - 484