Abdalla Munir
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Research groups
Abdalla Munir
Visiting Researcher; WHO/TDR Fellow
Abdalla Munir holds a B.Sc. in clinical laboratory science from King Saud University (2014) and MSc. In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2018).
Currently, he works as a clinical data manager at the department of clinical pathology and immunology, Institute of Endemic Diseases (IEND), University of Khartoum. His role involves working on raw clinical trial data (entry, analysis and reporting). Abdalla works closely with the field team reviewing the records and validating the data. Additionally, Abdalla works on non-clinical trial data from previous projects.
Abdalla joined IDDO in April 2022 as WHO/TDR fellow to work on Visceral Leishmaniasis data to understand the importance of host and drug parameters in identifying the areas of unmet needs in the treatment of VL.
Team: IDDO
Big Data Institute
University of Oxford
Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Information and Discovery
Old Road Campus
Oxford OX3 7LF