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Dr Agnes Gwela

Dr Agnes Gwela

Agnes Gwela

Post-doctoral immunologist

Agnes is undertaking research in Immunology within the CHAIN Network. She has focused on understanding how the immune system in children is altered by adverse situations such as undernutrition occurring alone or in the presence of prevailing illness.

Childhood acute Illness & Nutrition Network (CHAIN) is an international network of health professionals drawn from various institutions across the globe. It focus areas are: Childhood Illness & Nutrition, Nutritional Immunology, Epidemiology, Enteric function, Pathogen biology Group research description. Young children (<5 years) living in low & middle-income countries are at an increased risk of illnesses that lead to hospitalisations and death. The CHAIN network focuses on identifying and understanding the risk factors (biological & social) that drive vulnerabilities in young children in resource poor settings particularly in Africa and Asia. The ultimate goal is to identify modifiable risk factors that can be targeted for various interventions to mitigate poor outcomes and improve child health and survival.

Podcast interview