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Claire Blacklock

Claire Blacklock


Claire Blacklock

DPhil Student of Clinical Medicine


Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Liverpool, 2012

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research, Oxford, 2012

MBChB, Manchester, 2004

Previous Experience

Lecturer International Public Health, Leeds, 2015-2016

General Practitioner, 2011 - 2014

NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow, Oxford, 2009-2011


Understanding the role of senior nurses in neonatal care delivery in Kenyan Hospitals

I am completing a realist review: “How, why, for whom, to what extent and in what context do the social ties of staff within a hospital influence quality of service delivery, including quality improvement?”, and planning a subsequent realist evaluation which will use data from social network analysis and qualitative work.

Team: Graduate Students

The Peter Medawar Building
Nuffield Dept of Medicine
University of Oxford,
South Parks Road