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Dr Jacquie Oliwa

Dr Jacquie Oliwa

Social media

Global Health Webinar

Jacquie tells us how she used process mapping to understand patient journeys through hospital. This recording is part of the Global Health Challenges webinar 'Strengthening patient experience and outcomes through pathways of care' 25/11/21

Jacquie Oliwa

Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in Health Systems

Jacquie is a Health Systems and Implementation Science Researcher in Child and Adolescent Health at the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Nairobi and the Department of Public Health at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp. She is also an Honorary Visiting Research Fellow in Health Systems with the Nuffield Department of Medicine.

Her background is in Clinical Medicine (Paediatrics and Child Health). She holds an MSc in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a PhD from the University of Amsterdam. Her doctoral project involved trying to understand the complex epidemiology of tuberculosis in children and optimising the implementation of guidelines and diagnostic tests to improve case detection.

Jacquie is closely involved in the AFRHiCARE project (Africa’s First Referral Hospitals: Innovation and Care) as a senior investigator for Kenya on behalf of the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme. Here, she works alongside colleagues from Uganda, South Africa and the United Kingdom to understand how digital health technologies help shape the roles of healthcare professionals in County/District hospitals in Kenya, Uganda and South Africa.

In her previous capacity as a Senior Research Medical Specialist at KEMRI-Wellcome Trust, Jacquie’s roles included Principal Investigator for a Gates-funded COVID-19 Modelling and policy decision-making in LMICs study (2021-2023) and Co-Investigator for the “POETIC” Global Study on the implementation of essential emergency and critical care services in Kenya and Tanzania during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022).

Jacquie has over ten years of experience in health systems research and has collaborated with the Kenyan Ministry of Health and government hospitals on various projects that have contributed to building evidence-based care and policies for sick children and adults in Kenya and globally. She is a member of the scientific committee of the Kenya Paediatrics Association, serves on the Kenya National TB Programme Committee of Experts, the International Union of Lung Health and the Child and Adolescent TB subgroup of the Global TB programme, providing technical expertise in policy development and advocacy for improved care for children.

Jacquie also has extensive experience in medical education, having lectured at the University of Nairobi, Oxford University, the London School, Lincoln University, and the University of Otago. She is passionate about mentorship and capacity building and brings this focus to her work at ITM, KEMRI-WT, and Oxford University.