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Ralalicia Limato

Ralalicia Limato

Social media


Prof. Raph Hamers

Prof. Alex Broom

Ralalicia Limato

DPhil Student of Clinical Medicine


MPH, Flinders University, 2011

GDHN, Flinders University 2011

MD, Sam Ratulangi University, 2004

Previous experience

Guest Lecturer, Sam Ratulangi University, Jun – Jul 2020

Program Support & Investigation Officer for PEP++ Research Project, Netherlands Leprosy Relief, Jun 2018

Research Consultant, Empiris Research Consultancy, Feb 2018 – present

Research Operations Manager of REACHOUT Consortium, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Sep 2013 – Jan 2018   

Community physician, Sep 2005 – Sep 2008

General Practitioner, Mar 2005 – Dec 2009


A mixed-methods study of antibiotic use and prescribing dynamics in Indonesian hospitals: implication for antimicrobial stewardship

Team: Graduate Students


Big Data Institute

University of Oxford 
Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Information and Discovery

Old Road Campus

Oxford OX3 7LF


Other Achievements

Academic: MD, MPH

Work: DPhil Student of Clinical Medicine and Study Coordinator of EXPLAIN Study