Toby Bonvoisin
Contact information
Research groups
Professor Ben Cooper
Professor Sir Peter Horby
Toby Bonvoisin
Dphil Student Of Clinical Medicine
MSc Global Health Science and Epidemiology, University of Oxford, 2020-21
PGCert Health Research and Statistics, University of York, 2018-20 (part time)
MBChB Medicine, University of Sheffield, 2013-18
Academic Foundation Doctor, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, 2018-20
Evaluating interventions for reducing transmission of respiratory pathogens in hospitals
Big Data Institute
University of Oxford
Li Ka Shing Centre for Health Information and Discovery
Old Road Campus
Oxford OX3 7LF
Recent publications
Collaborative care for depression in older adults: How much is enough?
Bonvoisin T. et al, (2020), Behaviour research and therapy, 135
Clinical Presentation and Response to Therapy in Children with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis.
Suprien C. et al, (2020), The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 102, 777 - 781
Suicide by pesticide poisoning in India: a review of pesticide regulations and their impact on suicide trends.
Bonvoisin T. et al, (2020), BMC public health, 20
Authors' reply to English.
Such E. et al, (2019), BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 365
Modern slavery: a global public health concern.
Such E. et al, (2019), BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 364