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Two of this year’s IHTM cohort on placement at FIOCRUZ were very grateful to receive an invitation to attend this year’s ISARIC Member Assembly hosted by FIOCRUZ in Rio de Janeiro.

Two IHTM students join colleagues at the ISARIC member Assembly in 2023

FIOCRUZ, The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, a scientific institution for research and development in biological sciences located in Rio de Janeiro

ISARIC, International Severe Acute Respiratory and emerging Infection Consortium

Hams Bashir and Chifundo Msokera, pictured above with colleagues at the Assembly, joined the ISARIC Assembly as guests to learn more about the work of ISARIC. The opportunity aligned well with their placements’ intended learning outcomes. The objectives for those attending the assembly were to contribute to the strategic direction of ISARIC and to learn about current initiatives and input into improving them.

Hams and Chifundo welcomed the opportunity to meet leaders from FIOCRUZ attending and/or speaking at the meeting, as well as several Oxford-based members of the ISARIC secretariat.

IHTM would like to thank all of those who were instrumental in enabling this opportunity.

In other news from their placement at FIOCRUZ, Chifundo and Hams each made a presentation on their country's health system (Malawi) and political system (Sudan) to the FIOCRUZ Global Health Observatory in Rio de Janeiro on 24 May 2023. Their papers will be featured in the FIOCRUZ fortnight publication concerned with International Health Affairs. 

After their presentations, the director of the Centre, Prof Paulo Buss, invited them to consider joining the Observatory as permanent contributors.
