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IHTM students have finished their 8-week research placements and returned to Oxford. Their first week back saw the students gather at St Hilda’s College to present a summary of their placement work and experience to their colleagues, supervisors and teachers.

IHTM students present their research placement projects to colleagues and peers

Presentations were 15 minutes and a maximum of 10 slides illustrating the background to their project, the research questions they are investigating and the methodology, preliminary findings and discussion points.

The presentations and feedback provide valuable preparation for each student’s 10,000-word dissertation which has to be submitted by mid August.

Placement projects undertaken in 2023

Project Title

Location of the Project

Research field(s)

Research tool(s)

Assessment of Pilot Study for Colorectal Cancer Screening in Seychelles

Victoria, Seychelles


Statistics, health economics

Boosters and barriers to access and coverage of community-based management of acute malnutrition in Urban Montserrado/Grand Bassa, Liberia




Evaluation of the HemoCue® method for measuring haemoglobin concentrations in malaria patients receiving single low dose primaquine combined with artemether-lumefantrine or dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – A Bland-Altman statistical approach for method comparisons

MORU, Bangkok, Thailand

Infectious Disease (Malaria)


Assessing trends in folic acid in falciparum-infected African children treated with artemether-lumefantrine or dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and single low dose primaquine/placebo

MORU, Bangkok, Thailand

Infectious Disease (Malaria)


Factors influencing participation and decision-making in malaria human infection studies in Kenya

KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi, Kenya

Infectious Disease (Malaria Human Infection Studies)


Optimising DTP Booster vaccination in selected LMIC countries

The Modelling and Simulation Hub, Africa (MASHA), Cape Town, South Africa

Infectious disease / Vaccination

Mathematical Modelling

The contribution of medical supply issues to the state of Maternal and Neonatal Health in Liberia - a qualitative exploration




Towards Hepatitis C micro-elimination in Thailand’s prison populations - a cost-effectiveness analysis of screening and treatment policy options

MAMOD, MORU, Bangkok, Thailand

Infectious Diseases (Hepatitis C)

Health Economics

Determinants, knowledge, and practices of antibiotic prescribing in primary healthcare in rural Vietnam

OUCRU, Hanoi, Vietnam

Antimicrobial Resistance


Understanding the decision-making patterns of healthcare providers when prescribing antibiotics for sepsis in the absence of diagnostic tests: A structured expert elicitation study in Timor-Leste

Oxford, UK

Antimicrobial Resistance

Expert elicitation

Analysis of global national action plans for AMR through a just transition lens – a scoping review

OUCRU, Hanoi, Vietnam

AMR and Climate Change

Statistics, evidence synthesis, policy review

Conceptual pathways for AMR interventions in the community

Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

Antimicrobial Resistance


Ethics and Mental Health Research in Ghana


Mental health / ethics

Mixed (quantitative-qualitative) / qualitative

Climate change impact as a criterion to inform GAVI’s VIS decision framework

GAVI, Geneva


Document review

A review of the ethics of vaccine prioritisation




Scoping Review of Community Engagement Methods with indigenous and vulnerable communities to understand the impact of climate change for health systems preparedness in rural Kenya

Oxford UK/ KEMRI Wellcome Trust Office in Nairobi

Climate Change

Scoping Review

Diversity and inclusion in the governance of global health organisation

Oxford UK/ WHO, Geneva


Scoping Review and Survey analysis

Making sense of Global Health in the Global South: a case study of the international affairs observatory at Fiocruz Brazil

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

International Affairs and Health Diplomacy

Qualitative tools / Systematic, scoping or document review tools

Finalize and adapt a regional framework on promoting health and well-being

Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO) of the World Health Organization, Egypt


Scoping or policy review

Exploring the experiences and perceptions of health workers using AI-powered digital health technology for TB active case finding in the Philippines: Implications for sustainability and scale up




Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare - TB screening                  


Infectious Diseases (TB)

Quantitative / qualitative

Boosters and barriers to access and coverage of community-based management of acute malnutrition in Urban Montserrado/Grand Bassa, Liberia



Statistics and/or qualitative (FGDs, IDIs)

The Impact of a Global Health National Observatory on International Affairs and Global health diplomacy: A case of the Fiocruz Observatory




Evaluation of the HemoCue® method for measuring haemoglobin concentrations in malaria patients receiving single low dose primaquine combined with artemether-lumefantrine or dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – A Bland-Altman statistical approach for method comparisons                                                                                                              




Employ mixed methods to understand the gendered impacts of chronic kidney disease and access to treatment in Northern Ghana


Diabetes, gender perspectives