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IHTM has introduced a new sub-module this year, The Life Course.

Students in the classroom being introduced to the IHTM sub-module, The Life Course

As part of the Challenges and Change in International Health core module, the new Life Course sub-module explores all stages of the life course (including maternal, child and adolescent health and ageing) and includes the socio-ecological framework and integrated people-centred care across the life course as overarching frameworks.

It aims to provide students with a foundational understanding of health as an evolving capacity that develops dynamically over time and across generations. Challenges to health are particularly complex in low resource settings and necessitate a multisectoral/systems approach in associated windows of opportunity. This aligns well with our course strategy to provide students with integrated content relevant to low resource settings. The sub-module is led by Carine Asnong and Naima Nasir.

Speaking about the Life Course, Carine said,

The Life Course week is taught by experts in health at different life stages and in different contexts, including, for the first time a socio-gerontologist from the African continent. We also have four of our IHTM alumni who will be sharing relevant research, case studies and impact stories from their work in vulnerable contexts.”